Cars, Trucks, and Motorcycles
Amazing light painted artworks created by Mounds View, Minnesota photographer, Michael Anderson. Here, you'll find the "before" photos, followed by the one-of-a-kind light painted photographs of fabulous cars, awesome trucks, cool motorcycles, and much more! Use the buttons below each completed artwork to take you to "The Rest of the Story" found on our sister website's blog at Michael Anderson Photography (www.adesignerportraits.com).

Light Painted Corvettes
Fabulous light painted Corvette photographs! Please enjoy the "before" photos and the completed one-of-a-kind artwork at your leisure. Clicking on the buttons below the final artworks will to take you to "The Rest of the Story" on our sister website's blog at Michael Anderson Photography (www.adesignerportraits.com). Thank you, and enjoy!

Light Painted Aircraft and More
Beautiful light painted photographs of aircraft, restaurants, and a variety of unique, and sometimes rare, subjects. You'll see the setup photo, as well as the completed artworks. To check out the full story about an image, simply click on the button under the photograph and you'll be taken to the full story on our sister website's blog at Michael Anderson Photography (www.adesignerportraits.com). Thank you!

Emergency Vehicles
Cool light painting photographs of police cars and fire trucks! You’ll see the set-up photographs, followed by the completed one-of-a-kind light paintings of some awesome emergency vehicles. Some of them include police officers, firefighters, engaged couples, and even kids!

Heavy Construction Equipment
Awesome light painted photographs of heavy construction equipment. These unique images are preceded by their "set up" photos, usually done just before sunset. Then the subject is photographed in the dark using dozens of exposures that are then combined later on in post-production. The finished images show the substantial difference between a traditional photo and a light painted photograph.

Light Painting Projects for High School Seniors
These light painting projects were created specifically for our High School Seniors. Whether it was their vehicle, or someone in the family owned it, they got to use it as an amazing photo opportunity during their senior year!
There are even a few light painting projects here that don’t even have vehicle of any kind, just a cool location!
As we do in each of our Light Painting Galleries, you’ll find the "before" photo, followed by the one-of-a-kind senior portrait with a fantastic light painted vehicle!
Use the buttons below each completed artwork to take you to "The Rest of the Story" that’s found on our sister website's blog at Michael Anderson Photography (www.adesignerportraits.com).

Light Painting at Weddings
Stunning wedding photographs that are all produced in the dark at weddings. Each of these one-of-a-kind images was created by professional wedding photographers Michael and Joannie Anderson, from Mounds View, Minnesota. They are the world's only light painting wedding photographers who produce full-scene light paintings at their clients' weddings.